Participatory community-led implementation

Participatory community-led implementation

Project will establish training, sensitization center and tourists stop over for communities around Ishaka sector queen Elizabeth national park for easy mobilization. local communities will be trained in the importance of conservation and empowerment in different livelihoods such as craft making restaurant service, fish farming, modern agriculture etc to be able to gain directly from tourism hence improved protection of wildlife in queen Elizabeth national park.

In addition communities around ishasha will receive more training and attend workshops to identify conservation activities that are suitable to their needs. Agronomic activities will enhance lives especially in food security coupled with enhanced nutrition.

Through meetings, save wildlife Uganda will provide an opportunity to beneficiaries to meaningfully participate in decision making process of the project so as to select activities that suit their livelihood needs. The project will also hold regular meeting with the participating communities jointly organized in local CBOs and Uganda wildlife authority in order to receive suggestions on how to improve the prophet’s management.