Employment opportunities and allocation of finance

Employment opportunities and allocation of finance

The project activities are targeting community –owned resource especially the victims of wildlife in Queen Elizabeth national park. Therefore the community group agrees on most equitable benefit sharing model that can appropriately remunerate all the stake holders involved in the project.


Save wild life Uganda is targeting all households along the buffer zones of ishasha sector queen Elizabeth national park. These are the very areas which were formerly part of the wildlife zone and have been transformed into agricultural fields where bush burning is still a practice used by small holder farmers in these areas. Slash burning for site clearing contribute to greenhouse gas emission each year and degrades the thin layer of soils. save wildlife Uganda seeks to promote “SMRT” agriculture by sensitizing farmers and equipping them with knowledge and better farming practices to be able to increase productivity and at the same time contribute to their genetic conservation the generations.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and reporting

The project is to be monitored by mr (Eric ndorere & mr Richard Tumusiime) and their team.

Supervision and collection of data will be done by the project supervisor mr Eric ndorere. The progress reporting will be done in form of management information system(MIS) . the completion report will be prepared at the end of the project implementation and sent to the donor agency or fundraising organizer as well as all stake holders who will have made it possible.

Consultation remarks and conclusions

Everyone should be able to participate in sustaining the historic environment. Understanding the significance of places is vital. Significant places should be managed to sustain their values. Decisions about change must be reasonable, transparent and consistent.

Any prior rights to resources which these communities may have been overridden by national government who ignore their grievances, there is need to ensure that the needs of affected communities by wildlife in queen Elizabeth are adequately met other than further human wildlife conflict by the process of conservation.

This is an integral part of save wildlife Uganda preparatory work for the establishment of a community center and an assessment of people’s situation needs with full enjoyment and participation of beneficiaries.

There has been meaningful consultation with affected communities regarding the contexts of people’s development priority plan of building a center to mitigate negative perceptions on tourism and ensure adequate benefit sharing prior to project approval.

Unless a community center for sensitization and training is established then wildlife in Queen Elizabeth national park will be in great danger due to further human wildlife conflicts.